It amazes me how a child's brain it takes in information and processes it....Brody and I were picking up pecans a week or so ago. I cracked one to make sure they were good. As I was picking the pecan out of the shell, he asked in the sweetest voice..."Are we gonna have pecan soup for dinner tonight?" I have to say it took me a minute to respond without a smile in my voice. I told him that I had never thought about that. Then I asked him to tell me how he would make it if he could. His instructions follow:
"Take a big pile of pecans and crack them all up together (shells and all). Then take them inside and put them in a pan with big sides, put some water in it and make it really hot. I'd put a lot of pepper in it (Brody really likes pepper). After it's hot for a little while, put it in a bowl and eat it with crackers."

So, if anyone would like to try some pecan soup....let me know how it comes out!
They are too sweet aren't they!! Dalton walked up to a green explorer in the parking lot yesterday and stood hanging onto the back windshield wiper. I began to fuss and tell him to come on, then I realized he thought that was our green explorer. They really do make you slow down and take time to smell the roses.
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