Friday, October 3, 2008

Itty Bitty Seeds....

I just got a message from a dear friend of ours from NOBTS who is serving as a NAMB missionary in Nevada. He and his wife are starting a church in a Volunteer Fire Department. Last night they had their first service which they had 12 in attendance!! He asked for prayer for a particular young man who came to their first service last night, but left before it began. While reading his message a childrens song that we used to sing at the Seminary daycare came to's below......

The Word of God is like
Itty Bitty Seeds - scattered all around,

The Word of God is like Itty Bitty Seeds - scattered all around
there's some in the road, some in the weed,
everywhere you look you see itty bitty seeds.

The Word of God is like BIG HONKIN TREES - scattered all around,

The Word of God is like BIG HONKIN TREES - scattered all around,
there's some in the road, some in the weed,
everywhere you look you see BIG HONKIN TREES

All that to say -- we just have to scatter the
itty bitty seeds, and God will grow the BIG HONKIN TREES!!!


Anonymous said...

Not quite the lyrics but close.

Not sure where in Nevada your friend is at but Dan is the Music Pastor at a church in Reno.

Janna said...

That is certainly a song that Dr.Paula learned from doing it at camp. It is one of my favorites, but those aren't the words I recalled...opps!